27 sept 2011

Wangari Maathai

It is with great sadness that the family of Professor Wangari Maathai announces her passing away on 25th September, 2011, at the Nairobi Hospital, after a prolonged and bravely borne struggle with cancer.
Professor Maathai's departure is untimely and a very great loss to all who knew her - as a mother, relative, co-worker, colleague, role model, and heroine; or who admired her determination to make the world a more peaceful, healthier, and better place.



Wangari Maathai shares the inspiring hummingbird story about how each of us can make a difference.

holistic development

taking root: the vision of Wangari Maathai

On receiving the news of being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, 2004
“It is evident that many wars are fought over resources which are now becoming increasingly scarce. If we conserved our resources better, fighting over them would not then occur…so, protecting the global environment is directly related to securing peace…those of us who understand the complex concept of the environment have the burden to act. We must not tire, we must not give up, we must persist.”

Wangari Maathai was the founder of the Green Belt Movement, an environmentalist, a civil society and women's rights activist, and a former parliamentarian. You can read about her life and her organization in her books (see below). You can also scan condensed versions of her life and achievements, including being awarded the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize.

Since winning the Nobel Peace Prize, Wangari Maathai had become a spokesperson for a number of important initiatives.

Both before and since she won the Nobel Peace Prize, Wangari Maathai spoke about, and was interviewed on, a range of subjects. You can read these articles, interviews, and statements, by visiting the themed sections listed at the bottom of this page, and in the menu bar on the side of each page.

22 sept 2011



Location: Noh Bo, Tak, Thailand
Project team: Pasi Aalto, Andreas Grøntvedt Gjertsen, Yashar Hanstad, Magnus Henriksen, Line Ramstad, Erlend Bauck Sole
Client: Ole Jørgen Edna
Program: 6 sleeping units
Budget: 68.000 NOK (Approx. 10.000 USD)
Project year: November 2008 – February 2009

"TYIN tegnesture Architects was established in 2008. The office has completed several projects in poor and underdeveloped areas of Thailand, Burma, Haiti and Uganda."

"Solutions to real and fundamental challenges call for an architecture where everything serves a purpose - an architecture that follows necessity.

By envolving the local populance actively in both the design and building of our projects we are able to establish a framework for mutual exchange of knowledge and skills. All materials used in these projects are collected close to the sites or purchased from local merchants."

zenkaya ecohomes

zenkaya mini

models from S to XL

zenkaya =    zen   (meditación en japonés)
         + kaya (casa en sudafricano)

..."la compra de una casa no debería costar más que un coche"... Eric Bigot (architect)

Zenkaya homes are prefabricated and transportable.

Zenkaya ecohomes, Pretoria, South Africa

window vs balcony

Bloomframe is unique and brilliant window design by Hofman Dujardin Architects, the new solution to create a balcony on limited space, perfect for small urban areas. The concept is a window that could be transformed into a balcony space.

espace mobile

Espace Mobile: la casa para llevar....

Meiberger Holzbau, Lofer, Austria

Módulo prefabricado 
16m x 4,5m x 3m
Transportable en un camión
Se erije mediante grúa
Fabricación en 12 días
Montaje sobre el terreno y conexiones a redes en 2 días

20 sept 2011

vertical garden in Ibiza

El medio de plantación está constituido por una fábrica de botelleros cerámicos, cada uno de los huecos actúa como un elemento de absorción acústica, la configuración del jardín, el sustrato y la vegetación colaboran a la hora de crear este efecto anecoico. 
Los elementos cerámicos están colocados con una leve inclinación hacia el interior lo que permite la entrada del agua de riego. Se trata del primer jardín de estas características realizado en el mundo.
 Teniendo en cuenta las características del clima de Ibiza hse han seleccionado variedades de crasssula, euphorbia, echeveria, aeonium, kalanchoe, sedum y sedeveria que se adaptan a estas condiciones. Estas especies algunas provienen de ecosistemas donde se ubican en paredes verticales o en situaciones con muy poco sustrato; como se puede observar proporcionan una multitud de colores durante todo el año.