20 sept 2019


Environmental activists Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot have helped produce a short film highlighting the need to protect, restore and use nature to tackle the climate crisis.

Living ecosystems like forests, mangroves, swamps and seabeds can pull enormous quantities of carbon from the air and store them safely, but natural climate solutions currently receive only 2% of the funding spent on cutting emissions.

The film’s director, Tom Mustill of Gripping Films, said: 'We tried to make the film have the tiniest environmental impact possible. We took trains to Sweden to interview Greta, charged our hybrid car at George’s house, used green energy to power the edit and recycled archive footage rather than shooting new.' CREDITS Narrators: Greta Thunberg & George Monbiot Director: Tom Mustill Producer: Triangle Monday DoP & Editor: Fergus Dingle Sound: Shaman Media GFX: Paraic Mcgloughlin Online: Bram De Jonghe Picture Post: Special Treats Productions Mix: Mcasso Music Audio Post: Tom Martin NCS Guidance: Charlie Lat Music: Rone / InFiné Music