14 dic 2012
5 dic 2012
Hydro-Fold is a fascinating technique of folding that
automatically begins to assume a three dimensional shape upon being
printed from a normal ink jet machine. Invited by its Director Marva
Griffin to the 15th anniversary of theSalone Satellite, on the theme
“Design Technology”, the ECAL (University
of Art and Design Lausanne) presents an installation by Christophe
Guberan, a third-year Bachelor student of Industrial Design. “The idea
is to give shape to paper through the simple use of water, adapting an
existing printer to control the phenomenon.

Milan 2012: this inkjet printer has been adapted by Ecole Cantonale d’art de Lausanne (ECAL) student Christophe Guberan to print patterns that contort pieces of paper into specific 3D forms.
The machine prints a mixture of water and ink that causes the paper to fold automatically along wet lines and humid areas.
It’s hooked up to a computer that can be used to generate patterns for different fold configurations.
Here are some more details from ECAL:
Hydro-Fold by ECAL/Christophe Guberan
Under the given topic «Design-Technology» we decided to present a
very innovative yet extremely straight-forward project: Hydro-Fold.
Christophe Guberan, 3rd year Product Design student at the ECAL
conceived and developed the Hydro-Fold project. It is a project
combining modern technology (ink-jet printer) and a very well known and
accessible material (paper)
Hydro-Fold is a project that aims to explore the properties of paper or how a liquid may bend its structure.
The project consists on bringing modifications on a simple
contemporary desktop ink-jet printer by replacing the regular ink
contained in the cartridge by a very specific mixture of ink and water.
Different patterns, grids and shapes can be printed on paper using
this specific liquid. While drying, the paper contorts, folds and
retracts around the printed and humid areas, transforming it self from a
2-dimensional paper sheet to a 3-dimensional structure where lines
become edges and surfaces become volumes.]
Material: paper, ink + water
Process: customised water printing machine
Process: customised water printing machine
4 dic 2012
water technology
Improves dissolved oxygen
Low energy, chemical free treatment
Odour filtration
Aesthetic cleantech
Reduced algae
Advanced tratment standards for BOD, COD, NH3.
Natural Treatment
The Biomatrix system is an engineered floating ecology designed to
optimize powerful ecological treatment processes within an attractive
feature of the aquatic landscape. The Biomatrix combines the latest
developments in ecological engineering with new biofilm research and
traditional wastewater treatment processes. Whole system engineered
ecologies provide an energy efficient, low life cycle cost treatment
The Form
Floating Structures
The Biomatrix system can incorporate variable levels of buoyancy from
10kg/m2 to over 100 kg/m2. The use of different levels of buoyancy
allow areas of walkways, floating bridges, pavilions, boat docking sites
or public artworks to be integrated with the treatment system.
Biomatrix systems are ideally suited for contaminated canals, rivers,
lakes and reservoirs; as well as providing effective treatment of high
strength waste in purpose built lagoons and treatment cells.
The Biomatrix provides the foundation and the substrate to support a
diversity of life forms from many different phylogenetic kingdoms. These
include the bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, annelids, mollusks,
insects, vertebrates (including frogs and turtles), and higher plants.
This multitude of life forms, in concert, have the capability to treat
wastes, pathogens and toxins. The basic technological and scientific
principles governing the design of natural treatment systems have been
well articulated and subjected to scientific review.
Improve water clarity
Remove and stabilize nutrients
Reduce algae
Breakdown industrial chemicals
Remove Biological and Chemical Oxygen Demand
Filter out Suspended Solids and particulate
cycle of life,
urban landscape,
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