With the help of international partners, volunteers and donations from the international public, the Foundation has helped the Abetenim community to build a junior secondary school and kindergarden units. The population of Abetenim and the surounding villages is in the increase. Seeing that a senior secondary school is now needed, the community has marked a10-acre site, if Nka could raise the funds for the construction of the first buildings to get the senior secondary school open to its first class of the envisaged 600 student poulation. Though the construction will be by community labor, the fund is needed for materials and other site-based expenses. The community really needs the help. Will you join us in giving these rural students the best opportunities available?
Site Plan of the School by Nilesh Patel, Australia
Abetenim is a village in the Ejisu-Juaben District (http://ejisujuaben.ghanadistricts.gov.gh) in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. The standard of living is rather low. The village is dotted by mud houses, built in ways that tell of abject economic poverty. More than 75% of the people in Abetenim live below the poverty line as defined by the United Nations by subsisting on less than $2USD per day. So, please donate to this cause, share the campaign, and help us build this school!
Give Hope. Change Lives
Education is a foundation for rural development! Today, the population of the population of the Abetenim is about 1,000 people, with 60% of them between the ages of 1 to 25 years. About 98% of the adults in the village are unable to read or write proficiently because they did not gain elementary school education. Nka Foundation wants to assist the community to build a senior secondary school in order to cultivate new generations who will help drive the development of their community. We focus on the education of the younger generation in view that in the next 10 to 15 years, the youth of today (9- to 15-year olds) will be educated adult leaders in the community, who will in turn influence the upcoming generation. In light of this, we recruited a design team of architects, engineers and designers from www.onlinevolunteering.org to help us design the school, to be built incrementally. That means, the school will be built in phases over the next five years. Now, we are crowdfunding to raise money for the construction of the first phase involving classrooms, staff room and offices to get the school started by August 2016.
We Can’t do it alone! And You Can Help!
We've got the land, architectural drawing, community labor, students and teachers; now we initially need $20,000 to transform our vision into reality. This is why we are here asking you to support our efforts by donating money, time or you can come to volunteer at the construction site in Ghana for 1 week or more from April 2 to December 31, 2016. Together, we will build a school that will impact the lives of those growing up in poverty, their children, and generations to come.
How YOU Can Help
By making a pledge! There’s no getting around it. It works in partnerships. So, take a look at the rewards we offer and sow a seed by donating generously and help us to reach that goal! Every bit counts! And of course, you can increase your pledge at any time. Our goal for the school’s first phase is to raise at least €21,900. €20,000 to cover materials and other construction expenses for the first four buildings AND the small fee charged by the funding platform and costs of getting out rewards to donors. We expect to reach our funding goal, even exceed it. Should we exceed our goal, things get even more exciting. We will move on to the second phase of the school construction.
Charitable Matching? Yes, Everything Helps!
If your company does charitable matching, we would encourage you to submit your generous donation to help accelerate our fundraising. Your donation could do twice as much! You can email info@nkafoundation.org for the TaxID number for your paperwork.
What Your Corporate Donations Can Do
The project is offering naming opportunities for philanthrophists and corporations looking to invest in the lives of the younger generations. Be a part of this! Let’s create change where it is most needed. Any of the naming opportunities can be dedicated in the names of individuals, families, foundations, or corporations of your choosing. They’ll make great Christmas presents! You will have to send us the name of your choice and we will engrave it and afix it permanently on the Wall of Donor in the administrative building in the school. And if you allow us, we will post another engrave plate on that name at the entrance to the unit that you donation helped build. Your pledge can be fulfilled over the course of a single year or several years, whichever you prefer. If you are a millionaire, who can give to the poor, adopt this school building project. Remember, we are a nonprofit organization. Every penny we raise goes toward funding our projects.

$2,000 - Classroom, 12 naming opportunities available.
$5,000 - Dormitory Room, 8 naming opportunities available
$10,000 - Science Labs, 3 naming opportunities available (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology Labs)
$15,000 – School Cafeteria, 1 naming opportunity available
$20,000 – Administrative Building, 1 naming opportunities available (offices, a large teachers room, visitors lounge and a Sick Bay.
$30,000 - Library, 1 naming opportunity available
Other Ways You Can Help
Here are other ways you can help us reach our target:
(1) Spread the word about the campaign to your own networks. It doesn’t take much time to send a tweet, update your Facebook status or email to a colleague about this project. Ask them to share about this campaign and encourage their friends and colleagues to back us too. Together, we can sow a seed to change the rural world.
(2) Be Our Ambassador at the Christmas Celebrations: Tell your family members, friends and colleagues that instead of giving you a Christmas present that they can make a donation to this project on your behalf.
(3) Come to Abetenim and Help us! We would like to invite mission teams, builders Without Borders, engineers without borders, Youth Without Borders, sans frontières, school teams, and others who would be interested in traveling to Ghana to participate in the construction of the school. If interested, please email us for an invitation. It is not all work! The weekends can be used for cultural excursions, sight-seeing trips to national parks for the wildlife or for attending community events such as weddings, religeous functons, funerals, and festivals. If you are an entrepreneur or an indigenous arts advocate, you can spend the rest of the period collaborating with indigenous musicians, storytellers, weavers, bronze casters, leather workers, or contemporary practitioners.
Make sure to follow us on twitter @ nkaprojects and use the #Abetenim hashtag! If you would like to make a monthly donation, volunteer, or do an internship on this school project for university credits, please send us an e-mail to info@nkafoundation.org / www.nkafoundation.org.
Thanks in advance for your generosity, or as they say in the Ashanti Region:
For $1 or more
THANK YO! Card for supporting our school project + photo updates on the project
For $25 or more
We will take a picture of whatever you would like to see of Abetenim and nearby villages i.e. the sunrise, moon as it looks, children at play, a laughing/smiling face, palm oil processing, cocoa trees, a shadow … so go ahead send us your request. We exhibit all of the pics on our Facebook and we will email you the picture you requested.
For $50 or more
You will receive a copy of a short film documenting the challenges and successes of this project + we'll list you as a donor in the credits line in the film + all of the rewards in any of the above contribution levels.
For $70 or more
EXCLUSIVE PHOTO ALBUM (min. 50 images) detailing the program and the participants + Glass Beads Necklace + all of the rewards in any of the above contribution levels.
For $100 or more
YOU ARE AWESOME! In addition to the above, you will receive a guest certificate of appreciation that guarantees donor a 2-day stay in Abetenim to see the project you helped fund. This offer is redeemable until November 8, 2018 + all of the rewards in any of the above contribution levels.
For $2,000
The "yourname" Dormitory! We will reward you with the opportunity to name a school dormitory after you, or another name of your choice. We will engrave the name on a plate and put it on our Wall of Donors in the school. And we will issue you a Certificate of Appreciation that guarantees donor a 3-day stay in Abetenim to see the project you helped fund. Offer is transferable, so it will make a unique Christmas gift.
For $5,000
The "yourname" Classroom! We will reward you with the opportunity to name one classroom after you, or another name of your choice. We will engrave the name on two plates and put one on our Wall of Donors and the other plate inside the unit that your donation helped build.
For $10,000
SCHOOL PROJECT BOARD MEMBER! and we will reward you with the opportunity to name one of the Science Labs, (Physics, Chemistry or Biology) after you, or another name of your choice. We will engrave the name on two plates and put one on our Wall of Donors and the other at the entrance to the unit that your donation helped build. You are welcome to join ourSchool Board of Advisors to guide, counsel and advise the school for educational growth.
For $15,000
DREAM MAKER! We will reward you with the opportunity to name the School Cafeteria after you or your company. We will engrave the name on two plates for our Wall of Donors and forthe entrance to the Cafeteria. PLUS a mixed-media painting on canvas by an African artist, a keepsake and reminder to you that you help make the Abetenim dream school come. The minimum resale value of each painting is $600.
For $20,000
YOU ARE REALLY AMAZING! You will receive the opportunity to name the school’s administrative building after you or your company PLUS a mixed-media painting on canvas by an African artist, a keepsake from the arts village in recognition of your pioneering help. The minimum resale value of painting is $600. We are inviting you be our special guest at the dedication ceremony in a Durbar to clelebrate the completion of the school building project.
For $30,000
GUEST OF HONOUR INVITATION! We will name the school library after you or your company. If you allow us, we will ship to you a mixed-media painting on canvas by an African artist, a keepsake for your awesome contribution. You will be on our School Board of Advisors and you are much welcome as the Guest of Honor at the dedication ceremony in a Durbar to clelebrate the completion of the school building project. This invitation includes one-week accommodation and food at Abetenim town and a guided tour of regional sites.