Year: 2012
Location: Palazzo Bembo, Venice
Typology: Installation for the Venice Architecture
Biennale 2012
Strategy: Creating a self sufficient ecosystem
where it is impossible to see the dividing line between living machines
and artificial organisms
Design and making: Studiomobile
Water network automation: Angelo Semeraro
" For the Venice Architecture Biennale 2012, Studiomobile
explores a future scenario where men are forced to live in an unusual
landscape shaped by environmental changes. At present, more than half
the world's population lives and works in a coastal strip 200 kilometres
wide, and in the near future sea is expected to characterize even more
urban settlements. But not only adaptation is required. Next strategy
will be assimilation, an approach characterized by embracing the
changing conditions and taking advantage of the resulting opportunities.
Frequently, changes perceived as negative open up new possibilities and
innovative opportunities. We imagine new communities based on
movement, living in flexible, self-sufficient, and nomadic
structures. We believe that seawater is poised to become soon a key
resource for urban environment
The ecosystem Networking Nature lives off
seawater. Within a glass tank filled with salt water, some solar stills
extract fresh water by exploiting the heat produced by small lamps.
Seawater evaporates and the steam condenses into fresh water, which is
collected in tanks and then supplied.
However, water is not produced in isolated systems under central
control. The new model provides for a large ecological infrastructure as
well as small local production units connected to a network able to
integrate the production of fresh water and to supply it where needed.
It's a Smart Water Network controlled by sensors that
read the local lack of water and, through an Arduino board, activate the
pumps providing the water where there is a peak of demand. The Smart
Water Network will be a layer of the ecological network as well as the
Smart Power Grid and the communications network. This strategy not only
gives response to the preservation of the environment, but it is also a
radically new model that ensures free and democratic access to the
resources to everybody.
Studiomobile's installations are working living machineswhere
nature and built landscape live in symbiosis. They suggest a future
immaginary where it is impossible to see the dividing line between
naturalized architecture and plugged nature and between living machines
and artificial organisms."